The following statistics have been produced by The Mankind Initiative in February 2011. A link to their website and further statistics and sources of their figures is available at

2.6% men and 4.6% women were victims of “partner abuse” in 2009/10 a gender victim ration of 36% male 64% female therefore for every 3 victims of partner abuse 2 will be female 1 will be male

Of the 2.6% of men and 4.6% of women stating they had been victims of “partner abuse” in 2009/10 0.8% men and 1.5% women stated they were victims of “severe force”

1 in 6 (16%) men (aged 16 or over) and 1 in 4 women (29%) will suffer “domestic abuse” in their lifetime. This equates to 2.6 million men and 4.5 million women. 4.2% of men and 7.5% of women were victims in 2009/10

40% of all stalking victims are male

21 men were murdered by a partner/ex partner in 2009/10 this equates to approximately 1 victim every 17 days.

The most prevalent age group for male victims is 25 – 34

6.2 % of gay or bi sexual men suffered “partner abuse” in 2008/09 nearly doubles the 3.3% of heterosexual men

20% of men who have suffered partner abuse have done so for more than 1 year 97,000 men in 2008/09

Twice as many male victims (41%) than women (19%) do not tell anyone about the “domestic abuse” they are suffering

20% of victims of “forced marriage” are male

There are 72 bed spaces in refuges in the UK for men. 44 of these spaces can be used by women 18 of these spaces are exclusively for gay men that leaves 10 dedicated male refuge beds in the UK for men. There are 7,500 spaces dedicated to female victims.

Some organisations claim that 90% of men, who claim to be victims of domestic abuse, are in fact perpetrators. The Mankind Initiative and ESTEEM does not believe this figure is remotely true and does not believe those that use this figure have the interests of male victims of domestic abuse at heart. This figure has not been verified independently nor peer reviewed or tested.

There is no male refuge in Cornwall; there are 3 women’s refuges in Cornwall.

ESTEEM has supported face to face 160 male victims in Cornwall in 2009/10 these victims were screened to ensure they were not perpetrators masquerading as victims 98.75% were true victims 1.25% were perpetrators. There are no figures available for the number of female perpetrators masquerading as victims as women are not screened by services.

ESTEEM is averaging approximately 10 referrals per month.

man hands over face
Have you ever felt any of the following?

Confusion about why a person who loves you would treat you in an abusive or violent way.

Depressed, anxious or even thoughts of suicide.

Anxious about how this person will react to something you say or do.

Threatened or fearful of this persons behavior.

Worried about the consequences should you leave, possibly fearful of losing contact with the children or becoming homeless.

Isolated from friends, family.

Worried you will not be believed or taken seriously by professional agencies.
All of the above indicate you may be experiencing domestic abuse.