Suffer In Silence

don't suffer alone….

Men are abused too

Most domestic violence is directed at women but men are abused too, in both heterosexual and gay relationships.

Seeking help as an abused man can be hard. You may feel there’s nowhere to turn or that no-one will take you seriously. Perhaps you’re ashamed about what is happening or feel like you have done something to deserve it. You may be worried that people will think you are less of a man for ‘allowing’ yourself to be abused.

No-one deserves to be abused by the person they love. You have the right to be respected and live in safety.

Remembering this will help:

  • You are not alone – many men experience abuse
  • The abuse isn’t your fault
  • There are professionals and organisations that can help you
  • You can’t change your partner’s behaviour
  • Domestic violence is against the law
  • What are my rights?

You have the same rights as an abused woman. The police will take you seriously and arrest your abuser if there is evidence of assault. He or she can be prosecuted. Other statutory services must also provide support regardless of gender.

Accepting that you are being abused is an important step. The next step is to break your silence and isolation by contacting an appropriate organisation or speaking to someone you trust.

Who can I talk to?

You are not alone. For support call the Men’s Advice Line on 0808 801 0327 or visit

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