There have been many changes to legislation affecting lesbian, gay and bisexual people in recent years and there will continue to be ongoing developments in how the law affects our communities. 

The law is only useful if we know how to use it to protect our legal rights but it is sometimes difficult to keep up to date on how any changes in the law might affect you.

This section of our website outlines further equalities for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people and includes updates on: The Equality Act 2010; civil partnerships, same sex parenting, international rights, useful links and legal services and much more.

It is vitally important that lesbian, gay and bisexual people are able to keep informed about their legal and civil rights and how we can begin to use these rights in a way that will make a difference to all of our lives for the better.

We hope that this guide proves to be useful for anyone seeking a quick and easy reference to the current legal issues affecting LGB people.

The Lesbian & Gay Foundation believes in a fair and equal society where all lesbian, gay and bisexual people can achieve their full potential.

Discrimination against our communities is a breach of our fundamental human right  to equal treatment and respect for individual dignity.

It is vital that we feel confident in challenging people’s attitudes whenever their views mean that we are not treated as fairly as the rest of society.

It is important that we are able to stand up and fight discrimination faced by  lesbian, gay and bisexual people because of our sexual orientation.